304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Renew your CPP Membership

CPP Membership Renewal

To renew your CPP Membership, please follow these simple steps:

*Applicable within the Philippines only.

Members are reminded that only active members are allowed to avail themselves of the current membership benefits. Failure to maintain your respective membership status may necessitate you to reapply for certification.

Please be reminded that we are a NON-VAT service provider and all our fees are NET of all applicable taxes. For EWT purposes, You may gross up the amount to 2%.

Step 1: Pay the CPP Membership Renewal Fee

The CPP Membership Renewal Fee is P5,000.00. To pay, please select one of the following payment methods:

***After completing the payment, don’t forget to proceed to Step 2 to fill out the CPP Membership Renewal Form.

Step 2: Fill up the CPP Membership Renewal Form

If you have already paid the CPP Renewal Fee, you may now fill up the CPP Membership Renewal Form. Please kindly prepare the following first:

  • MID No. (CPP Membership ID Number)
  • Proof of Payment (Scanned Copy  / Screenshot)
    Make sure to upload your VALIDATED Proof of Payment with transaction details such as:
    • Date of Transaction
    • Payment Reference no.
    • Amount Paid
    • For Bank Deposit transactions, Bank Account no. should be visible

*Failure to comply with the above requirements will result to delay process of your membership.